TC: Relationships 101 (2 Seasons)

TC: Relationships 101 (2 Seasons)

2 Seasons

Tonight's Conversation: Relationships 101 features a panel of therapists, life and dating coaches, poets, and visionaries taking a therapeutic and holistic approach on topics including love, dating, and marriage

TC: Relationships 101 (2 Seasons)
  • Double Them Standards

    Episode 22

    Double standards DO exist! The question is, are they fair and are YOU willing to give up the ones benefiting you?

  • Sorry, Not Sorry?

    Episode 21

    Tonight's discussion is all about conflict resolution and the sometimes hard to use word "sorry"

  • Identifying Green Flags

    Episode 20

    What are "green flags" and should they be "celebrated" during dating & relationships?

  • Dating with Children

    Episode 19

    Dating with children can be challenging to say the least, what's your best advice?

  • How to Break-Up

    Episode 18

    How to do you know when it's time to end a relationship and how to do you do it in a healthy way?

  • The Sex Talk

    Episode 17

    The Relationship 101 crew tackles the Sex Talk, it gets spicy and educational.

  • Childhood Trauma

    Episode 16

    What's "child trauma" and how can it affect relationships in adulthood?

  • Marriage Minded

    Episode 15

    Let's talk candidly, is married outdated? If not, why are so many people avoiding it?

  • What Men Really Want

    Episode 14

    On this episode of Relationship 101, we answer the age old question of "what do men really want"

  • Enforcing Boundaries

    Episode 12

    It's one things to have boundaries, it's another thing to enforce them. Also, what's unhealthy ones?

  • Them "Red Flags"

    Episode 12

    What's "red flags" and should they be "deal-breakers"?

  • Dating 101

    Episode 11

    On this episode we talk modern dating and the best way to navigate it's challenges.

  • Poly vs Monogamy

    Episode 10

    Could you be in a polyamorous relationship or is monogamy for you? Let's talk.

  • Self-Love and Pleasure

    Episode 9

    How to REALLY maintain self-love and is "self-pleasure" a part of it?

  • Healing After Heartbreak

    Episode 8

    How to truly heal after a break-up, should you remain "friends" and how to move forward.

  • Manipulation & Gaslighting

    Episode 7

    The Relationship 101 talks how to recognize gaslighting and manipulation and what you can do to "protect" yourself from it.

  • Standards vs Preferences

    Episode 6

    TBH confusing Standards and Preferences for one another can cause major problems during dating! Our 101 panel breaks down the differences.

  • Attachment Styles

    Episode 5

    What's an "Attachment Style" and why is it so important to know yours AND your partners?

  • Forgiveness and Second Chances

    Episode 4

    What's the true difference between forgiving and giving someone a 2nd chance and why can either or both be so difficult?

  • Fixing Miscommunication

    Episode 3

    If communication is the key to a successful relationship, why are we so bad at it? Tune in as the 101 crew breaks down how to better our communication. This is a must-watch episode.

  • Self-Love and Vulnerability

    Episode 2

    What truly is "self-love" and does it take vulnerability with self and others to achieve it?

  • Healthy "Submission"

    Episode 1

    We always hear about "toxic" submission, so is there such a thing as "healthy" submission? If so, what does it look like and how is it "earned"?